18.04.2023, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Russia-Ukraine War: Impact on the Foreign and Security Policy in the World
18.04.2023, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Russia-Ukraine War: Impact on the Foreign and Security Policy in the World
Etiketlerbeata piskorska ozan örmeci conferences ozan örmeci konferansları poland russia russia ukraine war russia-ukraine war: impact on the foreign and security policy in the world russian invasion of ukraine The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Turkish foreign policy Turkish Foreign Policy during Russia's Invasion of Ukraine ukraine
21.10.2022, İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi (Istanbul Kent University), Istanbul Cumhuriyetin 100’üncü Yıldönümüne Doğru Türk-Yunan İlişkileri: Dünü, …